plan on asking the simple question of what their opinion is of my concept of a
dry fit dress shirt button down. My approach will simply be to wander around
near campus and see if I can find anyone willing to answer a quick question. I
unfortunately was only able to get 4 out of the 5 interviews, but I think the
ones that I got had some valid opinions.
learned that you will often get rejected when attempting to approach people on
the street, but whats important is that you continue to try. I was a little surprised that some people didn’t think my idea was
plausible. I don’t think many things will change after this experiment. I
believe that if the product was created as I envision it, people would
understand and appreciate the concept.
Hey Eric, just letting you know that you might have posted a broken link to your article. But anyways, I really liked your idea. Being a part of the business school, I constantly have to dress up for things, and in the summer, it can be brutal. Having some more comfortable and stylish clothing options would be pretty useful for me. Check out my idea: http://thedailyschlak.blogspot.com/2016/02/customer-interviews-no-3.html