After reviewing my previous interview with Isaac it seems
extremely clear that the key to success as an entrepreneur is hard work and
dedication. The pursuit of your goal regardless of your obstacles is what
separates success from failure.
I was unable to record my second interview with Isaac, but
below is a detailed description of our conversation.
What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
Answer: “I love the fact that I constantly feel like I have
someone or something working for me. No matter what I am doing I feel like I
have set groundwork to ensure my continued success.”
If you could go back and revisit your path what would you
say is one of your most valuable experiences?
Answer: “Experiencing failure was incredibly valuable in my
past. Each time I failed I learned what I could improve and learned to never
make the same mistake twice.”
What can I do now to become successful as an entrepreneur?
Answer: “Continue to pursue your goals regardless of whether
or not you immediately succeed or fail. All experience is good experience.
Continue to work hard and learn as much as you can while your young.”
I think for the most part my comfort level has remained
relatively constant throughout this class. I think I have a better
understanding of the value of failure and what it takes to succeed as an
entrepreneur. After interviewing Isaac I believe he saw my motivation and my
determination to succeed and possibly a slight change in my attitude throughout
this process.
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